We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our sponsors and all our crew who helped on our production!


Many thanks to our SPONSORS:

Our furniture sponsor – LUSH Furniture

Our lighting sponsor – LIGHTCRAFT


Our Moving Service Sponsor – MOOVERS



Clothing sponsor – OwnMuse


Snacks – HONSEI


Music Equipment – ACCENT


Special thanks to all our crew who helped us on our production shoot at both locations!

We couldn’t have done it without all your help!




And now begins the intensive editing phase!

And after that, we will be working closely with

our Audio Post Production sponsor, Studio.MB!



Do stay tuned for some stills from the film!





We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to

















We are still looking for sponsors!

Whether it’s sponsorship of CASH in-kind, or your fabulous products, we hope to have all the help we can get to make our daily production possible!

Please contact Kexinheandhisnecktie@gmail.com !

In the meantime, do take a look at our sponsorship package!

CLICK! –> He and His Necktie Sponsorship Package

We’re looking for our location again (due to unforeseen circumstances)!

Here are some of our references!

Do contact KEXIN @ heandhisnecktie@gmail.com if you know anyone who lives in houses like these! 😀


Casting Auditions #2

November 16, 2010

Hi Everyone!

We’re still looking for our casts!

We’ll be having another round of auditions! Here are the details:

Date: 20th November 2010

Venue: The Substation, 45 Armenian Street, Singapore 179936

Time: 9 AM to 1 PM


Do contact Kexin @ heandhisnecktie@gmail.com for more details!


Dear all,

We’re currently looking for a location for MOK’s House and PECK’s House!


Description: Luxurious looking Apartment or Landed Property.


Description: Cramped HDB Flat

Do contact KEXIN @ heandhisnecktie@gmail.com if you know any of such locations!

We’re Casting!

October 22, 2010

We’re currently looking for middle aged actors and actresses for our film! Do take a look at the character breakdown below!



PECK is the protagonist who is in his forties who believes in a hard day’s work. Peck works at the same construction office as Mok. He is a chauvinist who only believes in his way of how things work. Mainly it is due to the fact that he has lived a great deal of his life doing what he has till now and nothing has seemed to have gone wrong. However this is his sacrifice as it has dull him making him unaware of the times and making him oblivious to Mok’s advances to his wife. His way of showing his love for his family has also distanced him from his family.


LEE CHENG is married to Peck for over 26 years. She is your stereotypical Teochew wife who can cook, clean and take care of the family except that many years of marriage with Peck has taught her to be a much wiser woman than she seems. She is the backbone of the family and holding the family together and she is the one actually wearing the pants in the house. She is a housewife but has taken on some part time jobs to support the family.


MOK is a long time friend and a superior to Peck at the same office they work in. Like Peck, Mok is a chauvinist as well. It seems that he is well in control of his life and money. By looking at Peck’s interaction with him you can tell that he ‘handles’ people very well too. He is slightly pompous and knows how to throw his weight around whether at home or work. His relationship with Amanda is slightly odd as there seem to be some emotional distance between them even though they behave like they are very much in love.


AMANDA is a piano teacher who married Mok and became a tai tai (rich housewife). She is very much a trophy wife to Mok. She is the youngest of the group who is quite attractive at her age. She is well aware of her husband’s intention towards Lee Cheng even though she behaves like she does not.


Do let us know if you’re interested!

Contact Kexin @ heandhisnecktie@gmail.com